
XSS : Types and Prevention

XSS : Types and Prevention XSS aka Cross-site Scripting So, here I am, committed to my lovely beginner hacker friends, presenting my new blog where I explain the different types of XSS and discuss ...

Intigriti’s June XSS challenge: Writeup

Intigriti’s June XSS Challenge By @0xGodson_ (https://challenge-0623.intigriti.io/) Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great things and learning new things everyday just like me. So I am here...

Payatu Hiring CTF 2022: Challenges Writeup

Babysqli, Stardust, EasyCalc, Mistake-1 and Mistake-2 Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing great things and learning every day, just like me. So I hereby came with my new and fresh blog again ...

Gallery - TryHackMe Write-up

TryHackMe : Gallery Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great. This is my first blog of any TryHackMe room walk-through. So, let’s get started. So I am gonna start with a TryHackMe room called...